Awareness, Boundaries & Confidence

Awareness, Boundaries & Confidence


Neen Forder, The BackToLove Goddess Guide, is an Intuitive Confidence Coach, Artist, Author and Founder of the Global BackToLove Movement.

After years of feeling that she never fit in, wondering if she overshared at that party, didn’t listen enough to that person, then going the other way and allowing people to take advantage of her good nature as her self-esteem plummeted; Neen went on an intensive healing journey that led her to tune into her Warrior Goddess energy. When she birthed her son (loving every second of the actual labour), it wasn’t long before she realised that this energy she tapped into during the birth was an infinite and empowering energy that she could use in every area of her life and business.

Since then Neen has worked with hundreds of women, launching her own online programmes, courses and guided self care journals to empower women to become aware of (and embrace) what they bring to the world.

Neen’s Awareness, Boundaries and Confidence – 7 Steps to Better Relationships Journal incorporates her own inspirational artwork, channelled supportive messages and guided exercises to give you the tools to help you feel you fit in with others, feel comfortable setting positive boundaries, build a strong support network and feel like a confident Warrior Goddess!

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